Whether monthly giving or a one-time contribution, your partnership helps provide quality food, clothing, local resources and supportive relationships to those in need. Together, we will continue to share the HOPE of Jesus with our neighbors across the valley and in surrounding communities. Your generosity will make a difference.

Or select an option below to sponsor a summer event!

Time entries will be submitted August 15th – August 21st.
You won’t want to miss this special opportunity to join Big Reach Center of Hope and inspire HOPE in your neighborhood this summer!

Deadline for Sponsorship is August 15, 2020. Registration and Breakfast begins at 9a. Registration deadline is September 14, 2020.
All proceeds benefit the Big Reach Center of Hope.
1. If you received an IMPACT mailer, your remittance envelope states that SPONSORSHIPS are due by September 21 for the Golf Scramble. Please note the deadline for Golf Scramble Sponsorships is AUGUST 15, 2020.
2. If you received a Golf Scramble brochure, please note that the registration for participation is SEPTEMBER 1 rather than the August 1 date listed.
*Please stay updated for changes and adjustments due to COVID-19. We must remain flexible at this time and your understanding is appreciated. Thank you!